Users that will be uploading files for delivery must ensure that their audio files conform to the following specifications.
If your audio files fail to comply with the specifications below they may be rejected by Digital Delivery or the broadcaster. It remains your responsibility to ensure that your material is correct! If you are unsure that your material meets the above specifications, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide assistance.
File Format
Sample Rate: 44.1kHz or 48kHz PCM WAV (MP3s and other formats are not acceptable!)
Bit Resolution: 16bit
Channels: Stereo (mono is NOT acceptable)
File Naming
You will have been allocated a flighting code for each audio file by the advertising agency or media buyer. Your flighting code should look similar to this: “TEST/030/001/E”. Please name the audio file you are submitting the same as your flighting code but replace the “/” with an underscore “_”.
Example: If your flighting code was TEST/030/001/E the file should be named “TEST_030_001_E.WAV”
- Please do not add any additional info to the beginning or end of the filename.
- Please do not include any spaces in the filename.
- All audio files uploaded must have a flighting code as per the convention above.
Your audio must be the exact duration that the advert has been booked as. If the advert has been booked as a 30 second commercial, the audio (excluding audio slate) is required to be exactly 30 seconds in length. You may not go over this length or your advert may be rejected or ‘cut-off’ on air. We also discourage submitting adverts that are shorter than the booked duration as the broadcaster may time expand, alter or reject the audio.
The maximum amplitude is 0dBFS
Audio should not be overly compressed or distorted.
Audio Slate
8 seconds before the start of the advert an audio slate is required. The audio slate may not be longer than 6 seconds. If your audio slate does not match the file name your file will be rejected by the broadcaster.
For more information please contact [email protected]